HVAC/R and Plumbing companies. If you're looking for Education or Business or Travel or Bakeries, you'll have to look elsewhere.
If you're not an HVAC, Plumbing, or home service contractor, we won't work with you. And, to protect the contractors we work for, we will not work with other competitors in your area. (Learn more here.) If you're super interested, we can add you to our waiting list (you'll be waiting for quite a while, though), or follow our free tips on our social channels.
With any type of marketing, it's important to understand your target customers, your competition, and how to measure you the results of your efforts. Statistically speaking, more than 3 out of 4 customers will look for an HVAC or plumbing contractor online first, so it's important that your company can create leads online first. We focus our efforts at the bottom of the conversion funnel, and then work our way up.
When it comes to marketing your HVAC or Plumbing business, diversity and persistence are key. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a powerful marketing tool, but is best when supported by other advertising like AdWords, Social Media, and traditional print methods.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is an often misunderstood marketing tactic. Imagine a customer in Topeka searching for "Topeka furnace repair". Nearly 92% of all customers will choose a company on the first 10 listings of the search results. SEO is the science of helping a website rank well for that particular search term. For HVAC contractors in competitive markets, effective SEO can have significant impacts on the company's financial health.
The U.S. Small Business Administration suggests that companies should spend between 7-8% of their revenue on marketing expenses. For contractors, it's important to make sure that they are neither over-spending their marketing budgets on advertising that isn't creating the expected results, or under-spending their marketing budgets and not creating enough call volume. You can read more about how much your HVAC or Plumbing company should spend on marketing here.
At Levergy, we focus on putting our efforts on the things that will significantly create more and better leads for your Plumbing or HVAC business. We start with a great looking HVAC or Plumbing company website, designed to turn web traffic into leads and with on-page SEO so it's ready to rank. Then, we work to establish the credibility of your business at more than 70 industry locations, and synchronize your company information where it's exactly the same across the internet. (You can run the business scan yourself for free here.) Then, we setup and manage all of your AdWords campaigns for your HVAC or Plumbing company, and make sure that we're getting great clicks for a great price. After your website is up, your business information is consistent across the internet, and your AdWords is rolling, we move to manage all of your social media accounts for your Plumbing or HVAC business, which helps you retain your best customers, and create more relationships with other great prospects on Facebook, Yelp, and Google+. Finally, we keep your website updated with great fresh content to help attract new customers, and create quality backlinks to your site to help it out-rank your competition. We also provide several great looking, easy-to-understand reports to help you understand what's working, and what's not.
At Levergy, we don't provide you a menu of items with ala carté pricing to nickle-and-dime you. Instead, nearly all of our services are provided at one flat monthly rate, and that includes website, hosting, edits, SEO, AdWords Management, Reputation Management, Social Media and personalized coaching. We never recommend a service to you that won't likely help your business generate more sales.
All Rights Reserved | Levergy® is a brand name of KickCharge Creative.
Any other logos or brands referenced are property of their respective owners.
info@levergy.io | 918.921.9296
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