Ryan has been a marketer for nearly 15 years, and has worked in agency, direct mail, production, and digital marketing. His expertise is providing digital marketing services for home service companies, and is fueled by a passion to help business owners reach their dreams. Ryan is also a frequent speaker at various universities & trade conferences, and is a consultant with Oklahoma State University. When he's not leading Levergy, he's probably smoking BBQ or watching college football.
Ryan has an undergraduate degree from the University of Tulsa (BA), and graduate education from the University of Houston (CTC) and Northeastern State University (MBA). He is the author of The Book on Digital Marketing for Plumbing & HVAC Contractors. Available on Amazon.
You can reach Ryan at
Ryan Redding
CEO Levergy
Author of The Book on Digital Marketing for Plumbing and HVAC Contractors
You can reach Levergy at:
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info@levergy.io | 918.921.9296
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