Ready for some outstanding news? There are boat-loads of people out there—right in your service area—who need a plumber. How about even better news
? It’s entirely possible to turn those people-in-need-of-a-plumber into something much more interesting: Your customers.
But first, those folks need to know you even exist.
We can help make that happen using SEO.
Here's a search for "Denver Plumbing". To keep it simple, we'll break this down in a couple of sections:
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is behind-the-scenes magic that helps Google rank sites for customers. Here’s how it works: Your potential customers type in a phrase or question, Google searches dozens of billions of web pages, and then it serves up a list of sites on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) that likely address their phrase or question. SEO is the process by which you optimize the chances of Google finding your shop and then saying to those people-in-need-of-plumber: Check out this one! Looks like they can help!
Another way to say it: Websites are full of little homing beacons—words and other elements (which we’ll get to in a minute) that “light up” when they match search signals. The key to SEO is making sure you have your homing beacons configured correctly so they respond at the right time in the right way.
Fortunately, SEO is more science than art—
which takes away all of the subjectivity on Google’s end and a good bit of the guesswork on ours. Unfortunately, to the average business owner it can feel like a PhD-level organic chem lab.
Dozens of SEO factors, some of which are more or less out of your control, contribute to your Google ranking.
Keywords for plumbing SEO
are the terms, phrases, and questions people type into the Google search bar. If you use those same terms, phrases, and questions on your website, Google’s more likely to find it and include you on a SERP. Seems simple enough, right? Yes. Except no. Here are some tips for playing nicely with Google when it comes to keywords:
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is how websites are written. It dictates what fonts are used, where things show up on the page, how big the words are, what color they appear in, and more. To optimize your HTML:
Google likes websites that aren’t just covered in words. It’s looking for images and videos, too—properly tagged ones. It analyzes the number of words on a page, the number of pages on a site, and more. Google cares about:
It’s important to understand that all Plumber & HVAC SEOfactors work together to determine your overall rank on Google. You might have an amazing copywriter on your team, but if your website isn’t mobile friendly—or vice versa—you’re in big trouble. Also, there’s simply no way to game Google. You can try to cheat the system, but you’ll pay for it with basement-level search rankings.
Want some advice? Don’t know your HTML from your HTTPS? We actually love chemistry, and we’d be honored to help grow your plumbing business. Start with a free consultation today, and learn how we use smart plumbing SEO strategies
to grow your business, and outrank your competition! (See what we did there?)
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When my team talks with new clients, we hear a ton of frustration, overwhelm, and general fed-up-ness.
I'm guessing you can relate.
Maybe you've been trying to figure out all this marketing stuff on your own OR you've handed a crap-ton of money to an "expert" for no apparent reason.
Your phones still aren't ringing like they should.
Your advertising still isn't performing like you expected.
Your website's still not ranking or converting like it needs to.
You can't figure out why... and/or your current marketing "partner" isn't 'fessing up.
We think you deserve better.
Ryan Redding
CEO Levergy
Author of The Book on Digital Marketing for Plumbing and HVAC Contractors
Let's get on a call so you can tell us where your business is and where you want to go. We'll follow-up with a free, comprehensive assessment and actionable tips.
If you like what you see so far, we'll put together a customized plan with transparent, flat-rate pricing—and then get to work growing your business.
Have peace of mind knowing you have a true partner on your side who cares about your success as much as you do.
"... they always go above and beyond the call of duty. I'm impressed with their work ethic, loyalty, and integrity."
- Russell Furr, President
"[Levergy] understood my specific needs and got the work done—bypassing all the unnecessary nonsense. And now business is booming!"
- Steven Douglass, President
Your mileage may vary.
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