I bet you've heard it a 100 times. It seems like every company is wanting to be #1 on Google. It doesn't matter what city you're in, or if your company does HVAC or Plumbing or other home services, the idea of being #1 sounds awesome.
Any why shouldn't it? If you can be #1, more power to you.
But you want to know a secret?
So there you have it. Maybe everything you've ever read about online marketing, or about managing SEO for your business, is all messed up.
SEO for Plumbers and HVAC companies is really all about one thing: new leads, new sales, more conversions. Let me say it again- the goal of SEO isn't ranking, it's leads.
Sure, when you're #1 for your search terms, it sure feels awesome. But to create leads- and the revenue that those leads provide- it really requires a different way of thinking. It means challenging assumptions... about caring about things like code and user experience. About thinking through the little details that are easy to overlook, and the big things like leadership and team development.
Ultimately, the goal is to drive more leads and get more sales, without worrying about ranking first, so that you spend less time and less money, and get more results.
Perhaps yes. Perhaps no.
Looking, ranking first is good, of course. But sometimes, it's just not possible. And frankly, it's becoming less important all the time. The goal, then, isn't just ranking or clicks... it's about new customers.
So, thinking about your customer acquisition plan that
way means thinking about the long game, and avoiding shortcuts.
For SEO, it's really just one part of the equation. For most businesses, it's important to keep in mind that a website is not
a marketing strategy... but it's part
of a marketing strategy. Look at a comprehensive digital marketing plan so that you maximize your traction across all fronts. This includes websites, SEO, PPC like AdWords, social media, and more.
If you want a key metric to look at, Cost Per Sale
should be one of the most important. More than ranking, even.
If you've never thought about CPS before, think of it this way: how many dollars did it cost to you to create one sale?
This matters for everything. For SEO. For PPC. For direct mail or TV ads. It also helps create a bit of clarity.
For HVAC and Plumbing companies, it's not uncommon for $25 for a single click in AdWords. Is that good? Maybe. If you're selling a $29 dollar home visit, then no. Simple math would tell you that it's not worth it. However, $25 for replacing a furnace or a water heater? That $25 is a steal.
Keep in mind, a $25 click in AdWords doesn't always guarantee that you'll get a phone call from a potential customer. It does mean, however, that they'll land on your site. It's important to factor in your web design into the conversion funnel your customer is in.
So yes- ranking first on Google is awesome. Go give yourself a cookie. But to do that requires tons of resources (usually time and money ) that could be used elsewhere to get the same results for less money. Maybe even better results for less money.
Not ranking, but actual leads.
1) Improve your Click Through Rate (CTR).
Typically, the better the CTR, the better the conversion.
Right now, the average CTR among all industries is around 1.91%. For home service companies (like Plumbers or HVACs), that number drops to around 1.4%.
If you maximize your CTR, and if you convert more of the SERP clicks than the person ranked higher than you, likely, Google will reward your site with a better ranking.
This means focusing on clicks for your customer can pay off huge
2) Write a better headline.
Look, this is a trick as old as time. If you can write a better headline, a more intriguing page title, or a more interesting article, chances are, your customer can't resist the temptation to click on you.
This isn't even rocket science.
PPC is a great tool to test various options because you can do A/B testing to your heart's content. Figure out which copy gets more clicks, and run with it!
It's important to keep in mind that people make decisions for one of two reasons- money, or emotions. With home service companies, you can bet your bottom dollar that emotions are playing a huge part in why they're searching to begin with ( help! my water heater is out!
, or dang, my house is hot!
)... but when it comes down to it, money may play a huge roll in your customer's trigger.
3) Social media isn't evil.
Look, a lot of companies may be afraid of using Facebook, Twitter, or Yelp to get more customers. Or, if they're not afraid, they might not know how
. Here's the bottom line: if you're a Plumbing or HVAC company, dollars to donuts, your customers are on Facebook, and they're informed by Yelp. You cannot afford to avoid being present on these domains.
Your competitors know this, of course, and they're already using social media to help drive more clicks.
Seriously, #1 ranking on Google is awesome. We won't argue with it. But, it's not the goal, and it's not the point.
The point isn't rank. The point is leads.
Save your time, spend less money, and focus your efforts that will generate the best results over time.
If you have questions on how to do that, we'd love to talk.
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When my team talks with new clients, we hear a ton of frustration, overwhelm, and general fed-up-ness.
I'm guessing you can relate.
Maybe you've been trying to figure out all this marketing stuff on your own OR you've handed a crap-ton of money to an "expert" for no apparent reason.
Your phones still aren't ringing like they should.
Your advertising still isn't performing like you expected.
Your website's still not ranking or converting like it needs to.
You can't figure out why... and/or your current marketing "partner" isn't 'fessing up.
We think you deserve better.
Ryan Redding
CEO Levergy
Author of The Book on Digital Marketing for Plumbing and HVAC Contractors
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- Steven Douglass, President
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