Last week, I stumbled upon this website that shows the most common things people Google for. It's a fun, whimsical look at the various things people lookup in their daily life. On thing should jump out to you:
People are searching for "how to" things.
That means that they're letting Google teach them things like "how to make pancakes", "how to change a lightbulb", or "how to fix a toilet".
And that means the strategies to reach those people must change accordingly. Let me explain...
At Digital Plumber, we've been preaching about the importance of leveraging AdWords and SEO campaigns to be built around 'non-branded searches'. In English, this means that your customers are less likely to search for "Tim's Plumbing Shop" than they are "how do I fix my water heater", or "I need a plumber". On top of that, technology like Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, and Google's Assistant are literally changing the face of how people search for information. This is a huge distinction to make.
10 years ago, an effective website could stuff the right keywords in 1,000 times and outrank all of their competitors. (You remember seeing those sites that said "HVAC" a million times, right?) Now, with how people are searching, it's important to consider the psychology of why people are searching, and how they're getting their solutions.
In other words, rather than stock your website full of keywords (for SEO), or by using short-tail keywords (in AdWords or Bing Ads), this means long-tail, common language keywords are going to be become more and more important.
There's no sign of that stopping.
Now, how you handle this could change based on a number of factors, but this much is true: there is no reason to think that you can do what worked 10 years ago, and still get good results.
Google's not working that way. Siri's not working that way. Your customer's not working that way.
Your customer has a problem. How can you be the solution their looking for?
If you're considered that your company's not reaching your customers well with current search trends, we'd love to talk to you more. It's completely free for us to have an initial consultation with you, and hopefully give you some tools to help your company grow!
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When my team talks with new clients, we hear a ton of frustration, overwhelm, and general fed-up-ness.
I'm guessing you can relate.
Maybe you've been trying to figure out all this marketing stuff on your own OR you've handed a crap-ton of money to an "expert" for no apparent reason.
Your phones still aren't ringing like they should.
Your advertising still isn't performing like you expected.
Your website's still not ranking or converting like it needs to.
You can't figure out why... and/or your current marketing "partner" isn't 'fessing up.
We think you deserve better.
Ryan Redding
CEO Levergy
Author of The Book on Digital Marketing for Plumbing and HVAC Contractors
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- Steven Douglass, President
Your mileage may vary.
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